Appointments available on FRIDAYs

Reflexology and More by Pam Randall, RCRT

Pam has been practicing natural, therapeutic modalities since she became an Indie Head Massage and Reiki practitioner in 2018.  In 2023 she was certified with the Canadian Reflexology Association of Canada.  She has since added Ionic Foot Detox and Relaxation Massage to her offered service


Reflexology is a holistic, healing therapy.  Our feet have reflexes that represent every part, gland, and organ of our body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes, using specific hands and finger techniques, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve circulation, and much more. Receipts available for those with extended health benefits.
60 minutes - $70

Indian Head Massage is a relaxation massage of the upper back, neck, shoulders, scalp, and face.  Essential oils are used, leaving your hair soft and shiny.  Great for relieving stress!  
60 minutes - $70 

Reiki is energy-based. It promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and supports healing.
- 60 minutes - $60

Ionic Foot Cleanse: We continually accumulate toxins from our environment, food, our thoughts, and our lives.  The cleanse works to stimulate the removal of these toxins from your body.  
45 minutes - $45

Relaxation Massage is a gentle massage of the back, shoulders, neck, arms, and hands.
- 60 minutes - $70 

** Insurance receipts are not available for massage sessions with Pam.
Accepted payment methods are cash and e-transfer to

Appointments available on FRIDAYS
Book your appointment ONLINE or
EMAIL Pam for more details.


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